10-hour online anger management course only $49.95!

The AngerCoach now offers its acclaimed and widely-accepted anger management program online. Dr. Fiore, a Ph.D. psychologist with over 35 years experience, developed this completely web-based program with the same content as in his local personal anger management classes.  Many clients are unable to attend in-person classes due to busy schedules, or cannot find classes…

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16-hour online anger management course only $69.95!

The AngerCoach now offers its acclaimed and widely-accepted anger management program online. Dr. Fiore, a Ph.D. psychologist with over 35 years experience, developed this completely web-based program with the same content as in his local person anger management classes.  Many clients are unable to attend in-person classes due to busy schedules, or cannot find classes…

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Anger and your relationship: The road to repair $69.95

I am pleased to announce the release of my new online couples course called “Anger and your relationship: The road to repair”. This new course has been designed from the ground-up to be taken as a solo course (meaning you don’t have to take it with your partner) or as a course that couples can…

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Navigating daily stress in an overwhelming world.

Every day, the world we live in presents us with innumerable challenges. This results in a constant source of stress; from worrying if we are going to be on time to pick up the kids, what to prepare for dinner with little in the fridge to having to take time from work to care for…

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Should I forgive? How to let go of resentment and move forward in your relationship.

It takes a lot of mental and emotional energy to hold a grudge. Negative feelings have the ability to hold us captive, keeping us in the past and preventing us from moving forward in life. When we hold a grudge in a relationship, we remain with one foot firmly planted in the past. Some people…

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Does Anger Rule your Relationship?

One of the major challenges of living and thriving in current times is managing our stress levels in a world of complex demands and expectations. There are times when this proves very difficult and we can sometimes lash out at the ones we love. Occasional emotional outbursts (within reason) are common in a relationship however…

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The Significance of Social Awareness

Social awareness plays a crucial role in our interactions with others, yet some people seem completely unaware of the impact they have on those around them. They may unintentionally upset people in various settings, like at work or within their family, yet remain puzzled when confronted with negative reactions. Their lack of empathy prevents them…

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What role does conflict play in your relationship? FREE Mini-Course

This FREE mini course is the introduction to my popular series: “Anger and your relationship: The road to repair”. In this course, I offer 3 lessons that help you understand how and why conflict may be playing a role in your relationship. Upon completing the course, you will receive a special offer for future courses. This course…

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Why couples fight: A Psychologist’s guide to understanding relationship conflict $14.95

This innovative mini course provides you with an insight into the dynamics of your relationship. We show you how to recognize dysfunctional patterns, give insight into why you fight and explore the neurobiological responses of the brain in stressful situations. We then provide you with a set of techniques to follow to effectively and harmoniously…

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Discover harmony in your relationship: A Psychologist’s guide to conflict resolution $19.95

This mini course introduces you to the concept and principals of Verbal Aikido and its application in marital communication. Verbal Aikido empowers you to resolve marital conflict in a harmonious manner that fosters unity in your relationship. We then explore the importance of emotional connection and how modern day technology has entirely changed our communication…

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Rise above the chaos and embrace your inner smile $19.95

In addressing partner conflict, the first step is not to focus on your partner but on yourself. In this mini course, we emphasize the importance of centering your mind and body, creating a state of mental and physical calm. We teach you the value of being mindful of your emotions and the importance of acting…

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Understanding your partner: Unveiling the secrets to a deeper connection $24.95

In this mini course, we teach you to the art of Irimi. Here you learn to focus on your partner while centering yourself using your ‘wise adult’ frame of mind. Irimi involves using cognitive empathy to understand your partner’s perspective from a loving and harmonious place. There are six techniques that we cover that are designed to…

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Harmony unleashed: The power of focused relationships $19.95

In this mini course, we equip you with the knowledge to not only focus on yourself but also your partner, fostering a team-oriented mindset of ‘we’ and ‘us’ as opposed to seeing each other as adversaries. You learn the techniques grounded in the Aiki principles, gaining the ability to let go of old habits, overcome…

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How technology has changed closeness in relationships

The rapid acceleration in technological communication has created a problem where our nervous system is still trying to adjust to our online world. Gone are the days when the only way to speak with someone was to do so in person. Emojis, memes, GIFs, etc are now often used to express emotion and thought. Our…

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How to work though problems in a relationship

Conflict is inevitable in every relationship, however it is very important to learn to understand, resolve and then move forward from the source of this conflict when it arises. During therapy, I tell my patients to “Think of yourself and your partner as a team, working through problems as a ‘we’ as opposed to a…

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What is a conflict igniter?

A conflict igniter refer to a pattern of communication that often results in a gloves off, battle Royale between a couple. Regardless of who ignited the conflict, the result is the same – escalation. Conflict Ignitor #1- Blame and Criticism This igniter occurs when one or both partners are highly critical and blame the other…

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How to develop cognitive empathy

When we practice cognitive empathy in our marriage, we learn to look at the world from our partner’s perspective. In essence, we are imagining what it might be like to be our partner in her/his life situation. Cognitive empathy is also referred to as perspective-taking or the skill of putting ourselves in someone else’s shoes,…

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Why J.A.D.E. doesn’t work to resolve conflict with your partner

What is JADE? It is an acronym for the ineffective tactics of Justifying, Arguing, Defending or Explaining to resolve conflict. It is a term borrowed from psychiatrist and team-cognitive-behavioral guru Dr David Burns. Here is what it means J – Justifying your actions. “I might have done that, but you also did….” Justifying is a…

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Dealing with Stress

Stress is often the trigger that exacerbates anger in individuals. Many people suffer from a variety of life situations that influence their ability to maintain healthy relationships – but this does not have to be the case! I have helped many people over the years to deal with stress better in their lives. In this…

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How to Tank Your Relationship Part 2 or: How to Cope With Couple Anger Better

All relationships deal with anger to one extent or another and the success of a relationship doesn’t necessarily depend on the amount of anger in a relationship. Research suggests that many successful couples deal with anger from one or both partners – so it’s not the necessarily expression of anger that causes issues in relationships….

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Change Your Self Talk For Better Anger Control

Self talk is what you tell yourself about the things that happen to you in life. Many times anger can be managed successfully by changing this self talk. Anger in life is normal and there are many things that trigger anger in our modern world. Most of these things we cannot control – but we…

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